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Saturday, August 06, 2005 


60 years ago today, the most horrific weapon man has ever created was used for the first time on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. Over 140,000 eventually died as a result. Today is not the time for arguments over whether the use of the atomic bomb was justified then or not. Today we should remember not only those who died in Hiroshima, but also all those who died in the second world war. A war on the scale of WW2 must never be allowed to happen again. Nuclear weapons should also never be used again. Nothing today, no threat from any country to another justifies their use. Call it misguided or otherwise, but nuclear disarmament can still be achieved. The United Kingdom should start by not building a new generation of Trident missiles. It should also follow the examples of South Africa and the Ukraine in dismantling the weapons it has. We have no use for such weapons today. By dismantling them we would send a message that even in these troubled days of international terrorism, such weapons of mass destruction should not be in the hands of any government.

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