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Friday, November 04, 2005 

Government should have been defeated on glorifying terror - blame dozy, worthless MPs and Make Poverty History.

Yep, turns out that the government could have been easily defeated on the Terrorism Bill on Wednesday, when the government survived the poll on glorification of terrorism by one vote. They were forced to withdraw the vote on 90 days detention when they released they would be defeated.

Firstly we have Vince Cable, the Lib Dem treasury spokesman, who was held up by the Make Poverty History campaign who were lobbying parliament on the one day that they would have better off at home, and so he missed the vote. Thanks MPH!

Next up we have Brian Binley, a hard right Tory representing sunny Northampton South, who forgot about the vote and turned his mobile phone off. Trebles all round for those in his constituency!

And last, but by no means least, we have gorgeous George Galloway, leftwing hellraiser and scourge of Republican senators everywhere, who was in Cork where he was involved in.... yes, you've guessed it, An Evening with George Galloway! Nothing quite like a bit of self-promotion and a money raiser, after all, looks like he's going to need it for flying backwards and forwards to America.

I don't know about you, but it sure makes me proud of our representatives of the people.

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