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Saturday, November 19, 2005 

Iraq - at least 130 civilians killed this week.

Add to that total 2 South African security guards, and at least 6 Iraqi police. I think it's shameful the way that the suicide bombings in Iraq are constantly slipping down the news agenda; we helped to create this situation, and if the bombings took place in a western country, they would be worldwide news with coverage for days.

Instead we have got used to the horrific scenes of pools of blood on concrete, of burned out cars, severed limbs and the harrowing scene of relatives mourning their dead in public. In a week that the US admitted using a weapon which burns the skin to the bone in a civilian area, isn't it time that the politicians faced up to the now horrific situation and stopped with the posturing that things are better than they were under Saddam?

(Sources for deaths: www.juancole.com)

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" I think it's shameful the way that the suicide bombings in Iraq are constantly slipping down the news agenda; we helped to create this situation,"

Right, muslims kill muslims and it's THE WEST'S FAULT.

You are a MORON.

Says the person leaving a comment on a post from 5 years ago.

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