de Menezes: CPS letter to family shows the firearms officers lied to the IPCC.

The CPS letter also reveals that the two officers who shot the Brazilian told investigators de Menezes was wearing a "bulky jacket", when he was not. The marksmen also said they had shouted "armed police" before firing, but no independent witness corroborated their assertions.
In other words, they attempted to pervert the course of justice. This is something they could be charged with, or which at the very least should led to severe disciplinary action. It's also something that their comrades in CO19 would be unlikely to protest over, as even the likes of the Sun don't take kindly to lying police officers.
Hence a plea that is highly unlikely to lead to anything, but for once I'll be optimistic. To anyone who has access to the IPCC report: please leak it so that we can actually see in full what it says. Don't bother with the mainstream media; even the likes of the Guardian or Independent are unlikely to make the whole of it available. Send to it the likes of BlairWatch, Guido or Cryptome. Only then will the public be able to get to the bottom of all the bluster.
Wow that pic is strong.......thankfully none of his head. Where did you get it from? Surprised that it might be out there for the public. BTW agree wit u about the tabloids, yeah ok we all need a bit of light relief, but as the widest read newspapers they have a duty to cover these things, and not just on the middle pages. Pippa
Posted by
fifipoo07 |
Sunday, July 23, 2006 1:20:00 am
Just seen the quote about mr murdoch. What the F would he know about journalism? He employs bill o'reilly and sean hannity after all.
Posted by
fifipoo07 |
Sunday, July 23, 2006 1:22:00 am
The photograph was leaked along with the rest of the material which contradicted the police line last year to ITV news.
Posted by
septicisle |
Sunday, July 23, 2006 1:18:00 pm
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