Profligate leftist prostitution partying from who knows where. || "It is now less and less necessary for the writer to invent the fictional content of his novel. The fiction is already there. The writer's task is to invent the reality." -- JG Ballard. || "You try running with your sagging breasts down the middle of the fucking street. People will throw a blanket over you. And grab you. And call the police. For fuck's sake." -- Germaine Greer.
if you think all that is frigtening try reading this. Almost made me regurgitate my sunday lunch with disgust when I read it. And the blitx thing- Some blogger called canuck used that on my post about the un getting israel to stop. I was gonna go and correct him but somehow i just lacked the energy to care. You might find what he said interesting. Pippa
Posted by
fifipoo07 |
Wednesday, August 09, 2006 12:02:00 am
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