Scum-watch: The Scum fights cyber abuse!
THE Sun today became the first newspaper in the UK to officially join the fight to protect the country's internet surfers and help combat abusive images of children found in cyberspace.
It follows the launch of our fantastic MySun community service where readers can publish their own stories and pictures as well as having their say on the big news of the day.
And just what sort of pictures are readers being encouraged to post on the fantastic MySun community service?
PAGE 3 idol might be long gone but wannabe models are still posting sexy snaps on The Sun website.
Dozens have been showing off their hottest pics in blogs on our discussions section MySun.
Thousands of fellas log on every day to see the latest shots and chat about them.
Over on MyScum itself, 3 of the 4 popular blogs are of women in various stages of undress. The top discussion is "CCTV mother changes epilepsy story" (she hasn't), the first post of which is an all-caps diatribe against council estate scum, while the third story down is "Confessions of real desperate housewives".
The Sun might be against cyber abuse, but it certainly isn't against mental or self abuse.
Elsewhere, today's Scum leader predictably attacks the "PC-inspired witch-hunt" against PC Mulhall:
Footage of Ms Comer wrestled to the ground lasts just a few seconds.
Moments earlier she’d left a nightclub drunk and vandalised cars.
When PC Anthony Mulhall arrived, she resisted arrest and attacked him.
Err, she resisted arrest, but attacking him is a bit strong. Attacking someone is launching into them, which she did not.
He wasn’t to know if Ms Comer had a knife or anything worse.
But she didn't, and one would expect that if she had a weapon of some sort she would have produced it before he tried to arrest her, no? Please keep up Rebekah.
Punching the top of her flailing arm so she could be handcuffed, was perfectly reasonable.
Those quick to criticise the police have never faced the terror of confronting and detaining a violent drunk in the middle of the night.
PC Mulhall’s job is to protect the public. By detaining Ms Comer safely and quickly he was doing his duty to the best of his ability.
She suffered no injuries and needed no medical attention as a result of the arrest.
Comer was hardly the atypical burly drunk whom the police usually have to subdue on Saturday night. As for suffering no injuries, today's Grauniad shows at least one gash on her back. Notice that there's no reference to the fact that Comer may have suffered an epileptic fit anywhere in this leader.
How depressing a copper has been taken off front-line duty and put in charge of paperclips because of a few inconclusive seconds of video.
South Yorkshire Police should not bow to a PC-inspired witch-hunt which has rushed to judgment and played the race card.
Police Constable Mulhall should be put back where he belongs.
On the beat protecting the public.
The Sun obviously hasn't bothered actually reviewing the whole of the Guardian tape. It lasts a lot longer than a few seconds.
As I wrote yesterday, my own feelings are mixed, and Mulhall probably doesn't deserve having this being blown up into a national news story, but the IPCC should still investigate. Mulhall will most likely be completely exonerated, and be able to put all of this behind him. Sometimes "PC-inspired witch-hunts", if they start a national debate help show what is and what is not acceptable. If it leads to better police training, that can only be a good thing.
Labels: alleged police brutality, Anthony Mulhall, MySun, Scum-watch, Sun-watch, Toni Comer
A year and a bit later. Toni Comer admits never having had epilepsy, pleads guilty to criminal damage.
Her advocate is found to have convictions for race hate offences.
Anthony Mulhall is eventually cleared of any wrongdoing by the IPCC.
Last week, he died after being found on a mountainside.
Posted by
Unknown |
Wednesday, July 23, 2008 10:40:00 pm
Indeed. I did note the story. Hopefully it didn't have any relation to the IPCC investigation.
Posted by
septicisle |
Wednesday, July 23, 2008 11:26:00 pm
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