Scum-watch: Why Facebook is bad for you.
Ignoring the Scum's claims in its leader that Rhys Jones has been forgotten (he hasn't) and that he's already a "footnote to a catalogue of unforgivable street slaughter" when no subsequent case has by any means reached such a critical mass or led to an outbreak of soul-searching as prolonged as his murder did, the Scum is back to its old tricks of promoting the other parts of its empire by omission.
Why Facebook is bad for you is a generic piece written by a university don, and outlines all the usual reasons for why you shouldn't touch the social networking site with a ten-foot bargepole. What the article doesn't mention is that Facebook's main rival MySpace, is of course owned by err, the same person as the Sun is, nor is the site so much as mentioned as being just of much of a security risk as Facebook.
Tom Hodgkinson wrote a far better article for why to avoid Facebook on Monday in the Grauniad, naming 3 of the individuals involved in its creation as reason enough. The reasons to boycott MySpace are summed up in just one much more succinct name: Rupert Murdoch.
Why Facebook is bad for you is a generic piece written by a university don, and outlines all the usual reasons for why you shouldn't touch the social networking site with a ten-foot bargepole. What the article doesn't mention is that Facebook's main rival MySpace, is of course owned by err, the same person as the Sun is, nor is the site so much as mentioned as being just of much of a security risk as Facebook.
Tom Hodgkinson wrote a far better article for why to avoid Facebook on Monday in the Grauniad, naming 3 of the individuals involved in its creation as reason enough. The reasons to boycott MySpace are summed up in just one much more succinct name: Rupert Murdoch.
Labels: Facebook, MurdochSpace, MySpace, Rhys Jones, Scum-watch, Sun-watch
It's particularly ironic that The Sun should take the "Facebook doesn't care about your privacy!" just as this comes to light.
Changing the subject completely, do you like the new Mars Volta album? I think it's certainly an improvement on Amputechture.
Posted by
Mellomeh |
Saturday, January 19, 2008 12:13:00 am
The first half of it is superb, some of the best stuff they've done. It loses some of its power after half-way but yeah it's a vast improvement over Amputechture.
Posted by
septicisle |
Saturday, January 19, 2008 1:28:00 am
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