Is it it just me....
Can someone kindly explain exactly why a: a new building not quite getting off to a brilliant start is considered the top news story for two days running; b: how on earth this is apparently, according to both the press and the BBC, a disaster, despite no one dying and with just a few holidaymakers and business people being delayed for a few hours; and c: how this is meant to affect the country's reputation as a whole when BAA is in fact owned by, err,
the Ferrovial Group, a Spanish multinational?
the Ferrovial Group, a Spanish multinational?
Labels: bullshit, Heathrow, idiocy, media coverage
It's utterly bizarre, isn't it? Tbe building will almost certainly perform as well, or badly, however you see it, as any other modern airport terminal in Europe.
BAA is, of course, a dreadful company - the best advertisement for anti-monopoly legislation you could find.
Posted by
Matthew |
Friday, March 28, 2008 11:13:00 pm
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