Weekend links.

Bloggerheads - The Daily Mail responds to the "Julie Moult in an idiot" meme
Unity - Rounding up the peasants on the Lib Dem MP John Hemming
David Semple - Weighing in on the windfall energy tax
Lee Griffin - You can be a feminist and oppose choice, actually
Independent - Is the party over for UKIP?
Paul Linford - New Labour's prophets of doom
Chris Dillow answers this week's questions
Pollyanna T - Unseating Gordon Brown may be Labour's last chance - says the woman who previously thought that Gordon Brown was Labour's best chance
Grauniad - Carol Ann Duffy responds in verse, brilliantly, to the censoring moron who succeeded in getting one of her poems removed from GCSE English anthologies
US Presidential stuff:
Ed Pilkington on Sarah Palin's history in Alaska
Dave's Part - Sarah Palin: the British right learns how to love again. The ghastly Jon Gaunt also added to the hubbub with his paean to Palin, on how wonderful it would be if we had politicians like her.
Lenin - No, we can't - on the general rubbishness of the whole campaign
David Semple again - Town vs Country in the US election
Freemania - Majoring in soundbites
Political Punch - Palin needs time before she can answer questions from the media. Presumably she'll need the same time to acclimatise to becoming president should she and McCain be elected and something unfortunate happens to him.
Shuggy's blog - On class, prejudice and culture wars
Labels: weekend, weekend links, weekend round-up
Gaunty, like the rest of them, doesn't mention her creationist views. Because it's inconvenient, a step too far even for him and the lowlife who nod along to what he "writes"? Either way, it's a fairly enormous issue what a prospective VP thinks about science & education. Only the deluded could seriously imagine people would hold a belief without acting on it in some way, whether an obvious way or not.
PS- So would I, even though she's more than 20 years older than me. I'll see myself out...
Posted by
asquith |
Monday, September 08, 2008 7:33:00 am
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