Profligate leftist prostitution partying from who knows where. || "It is now less and less necessary for the writer to invent the fictional content of his novel. The fiction is already there. The writer's task is to invent the reality." -- JG Ballard. || "You try running with your sagging breasts down the middle of the fucking street. People will throw a blanket over you. And grab you. And call the police. For fuck's sake." -- Germaine Greer.
Even at 30 and years of cursory probing investigations in multitudes of subjects, but no where as politically astute as yourself, I thought I had quite a rounded outlook, but I never cease to be staggered by the absolute degrading steps so many foist on others and themselves, the absolute lowest. They and their City sponsors are worse than the dregs they create with their corportist get rich freidmanism
Ain't that the truth
Posted by
Andy |
Friday, June 05, 2009 12:34:00 am
Totally agreed.
I think he's just sunk himself actually. He must now be wishing he'd joined the Tory party as a youther.
Posted by
asquith |
Friday, June 05, 2009 6:55:00 am
Even at 30 and years of cursory probing investigations in multitudes of subjects, but no where as politically astute as yourself, I thought I had quite a rounded outlook, but I never cease to be staggered by the absolute degrading steps so many foist on others and themselves, the absolute lowest. They and their City sponsors are worse than the dregs they create with their corportist get rich freidmanism
Posted by
Anonymous |
Friday, June 05, 2009 7:33:00 pm
"James Purnell is a despicable Blairite cunt"
I believe that was the headline in The Telegraph.
Posted by
Sonofajoiner |
Friday, June 05, 2009 8:23:00 pm
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