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Saturday, August 08, 2009 

Weekend links.

The silly season is at its height, and there's just about bugger all happening. Tabloid Watch rips the Express's "Labour's 186bn benefits madness" to shreds, Paul Sagar asks what the Tory policy is on tax havens, Lenin writes on Somalia, Paul Linford wonders whether the real winner of the "battle" between Harriet Harman and Peter Mandelson might be Alan Johnson, Paulie says don't underestimate Murdoch and the Daily Quail has some Littlejohn banners.

In the papers, or on their sites at any rate, John Harris interviews "Red Tory" Philip Blond, Panjak Mishra says Afghanistan is a bigger mess than Iraq, Matthew Parris defends the insult, Howard Jacobson thinks it isn't always good to talk and Andrew Buncombe wonders where the killing of Mehsud leaves Pakistan.

As for the worst tabloid article, we have two rather than the usual one from Amanda Platell, who visits "Fat Central" to snort at the obese and also hilariously declares that we shouldn't show compassion to someone who never showed it anyone else like Ronnie Biggs (how on earth would Platell know what compassion is either?), but the winner must be Peter Hitchens, who's decided the police are now the "useless uniformed" wing of New Labour. Of course they are, Peter.

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Amanda Platell is malevolence personified.

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