Scum-watch: The paedo is coming!

As usual, it's a case of reality imitating satire:

The Sun though is naturally conflicted. Outraged as it is by this disgusting paedophile being deported to Britain, it's fully in favour of "foreign" criminals in similar circumstances here being sent back to their home nation. All the Australians are actually doing is throwing their problem on to us rather than dealing with it themselves. If Raymond Horne had gone out to Australia and committed his crimes when an adult, then his deportation would have been fully justified. As it is, he went to Australia as a five-year-old. He is a product of Australian society, and therefore their responsibility, regardless of his nationality. This is the same reason why Learco Chindamo shouldn't have been deported back to Italy whenever his sentence ends; a decision which incidentally wasn't a result of the Human Rights Act, as the Sun today alleged again in its leader, which has since disappeared into the ether.
The Sun article does carry some very pertinent points from Paul Roffey, director of the UK-based RWA Child Protection Service:
accused the Queensland Police and Corrective Services Minister Judy Spence of simply “shifting the problem offshore”.He said: “Let’s make it English children instead of Australian children — that seems to be her attitude. It’s outrageous.
“These sort of committed paedophiles often live isolated lives by the very nature of their offending. They do not integrate well into society and that often leads to the formation of paedophile rings of like-minded people.
“Horne, who has lived most of his life in Australia, will have no network in the UK. He will feel even more isolated — increasing his risk of him reoffending.”
All very true. The Sun response to this? To directly ask its readers to inform them if they either knew Horne or where he's going to live, therefore ensuring that he will forever be isolated, moving from place to place and as a result even more dangerous than he already his. The Sun has betrayed children themselves before in its apoplexy; it's more than happy to do exactly the same now.
I was also going to take on the Scum's delusional "Hope for Iraq" leader, but as said, it's since gone like all their leaders now do, apparently unarchived. Elsewhere we do have the "mothers in arms" meeting both Jack Straw and David Cameron, carrying their copies of the Sun along with them. Neither seems to have demurred from their demands, or dared to directly criticise "their" campaign, and Jack Straw even says the following about their demand for a universal DNA database:
He vowed to raise with police the expansion of the DNA database, saying: “I don’t understand people who are not happy to give DNA samples.”
It couldn't possibly be because they're concerned about potential mistakes, or indeed that nostrum which the Sun so endorses, if you've got nothing hide, you've got nothing to fear, could it? Therefore if I've nothing to hide, why should the police have my DNA profile? The three mothers' proposals would make every single individual guilty until proved innocent, and the more questionable responses, that their proposals would be a step towards a police state, if not establishing one, aren't that far from hitting home.
She told Mr Straw: “Ninety-nine per cent of Sun readers want it back. You have to listen to the people and what they want.”
Quite right, because 99% of the population are Sun readers, aren't they? And there's more pleasantries about how they want their tormentors extinguished:
“I do not like the thought of Steve Wright just sitting in jail watching TV. I want him dead."
Doubtless Straw and/or Cameron just stared meekly back and didn't say anything, unable to respond to a demand that they can simply never deliver or appease.
Labels: "mothers in arms", crime, David Cameron, deportation, Helen Newlove, Jack Straw, Kerry Nicol, Linda Bowman, paedophilia hysteria, Scum-watch, Sun-watch
It also runs against the Sun's explosion of anger about Learco Chindamo. It was then unacceptable for him to remain in his adopted country. The Sun is deeply hypocritical - no surprise - but is putting sales above what's best for society at large.
I wrote about it here:
Posted by
Dave Cole |
Friday, March 21, 2008 11:00:00 am
Why not just hang the paedophile scum and save the tax payer a few quid!
Posted by
Anonymous |
Thursday, March 27, 2008 11:32:00 pm
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